

MOT's principal founder, Atle Vårvik, gets the idea. Together with Johann Olav Koss he takes the initiative to the project that today is MOT

Norwegian top athletes are passionate about help strengthening youth's awareness and say yes to take part in the initiative. It starts with a calendar with messages from top athletes to youth. "Make conscious choices" and "Take care of each other" is the common thread

45 000 calendars are printed and distributed, one per class room in every secondary and upper secondary school in Norway, for free (1994_kalenderen 1995)

Atle visits the first 4th-6th grade school classes and starts testing what today has become MOT's programmes

Atle has the first talk on what today has become MOT, for the Olympic Academy in Lillehammer


Atle develops parts of the MOT philosophy and MOT’s educational method

A number of secondary schools are visited and the first testing on youth is carried out


The logo is made

MOT's values are defined: Courage to care – courage to live – courage to say no

Strategic decision: MOT shall become cool


MOT is founded by Atle Vårvik, Johann O. Koss, Dag Otto Lauritzen and Rune Bratseth on 22 February during the Nordic Ski World Championships in Trondheim, Norway

Norwegian top athletes are important MOT ambassadors

The programme ‘MOT in secondary school’ is launched

The first 30 MOT coaches who are all recruited from the police force, are educated

All soccer teams in the Norwegian top league has the MOT logo on their shirts


‘MOT in leisure/sport’ is launched

The MOT backpack is launched


‘MOT for parents’ is launched


‘MOT for teachers’ is launched


‘Young MOTivator’ is launched


‘MOT in upper secondary school’ is launched

‘MOT in secondary school’ undergoes a significant expansion


The first MOT philosophy book ‘Courage to Live’ is published

Artists become MOT ambassadors for the first time


The ‘Courage to Care Day’ is launched


‘MOT’s Fund for Dreams’ is launched


‘MOT in upper secondary school’ undergoes a significant expansion


MOT develops a strategy for strengthening scientific evaluation


MOT South Africa is established as an organisation


The Norwegian Crown Prince’s project ‘Global Dignity Day’ becomes part of MOT


The ‘MOT Tour’ is launched. Went on for 7 years in Norway


MOT’s ID centre MOT-camp is established

The initiative ‘Courage to Lead Gathering’ is launched

The first Young MOT Leaders are educated


Documentation shows that only half as many 15-year-olds are bullied weekly in Norwegian MOT schools compared to the national average


MOT Denmark is established as an organisation


The MOT Programme 'School as a Society Builder’ is launched


MOT Thailand is established as an organisation


MOT Latvia is established as an organisation


The MOT upgrade 2017 is launched, the most comprehensive upgrade since MOT's beginning


The book 'Life and leadership' is published. A documentary about sources of inspiration to the principal founder Atle Vårvik upon creating MOT


MOT's programmes 'School as a Society Builder', 'Primary School and Kindergarten as Society Builders' and 'Municipality as a Society Builder' are launched globally

The rough development of MOT's concept and brand profile is finalized

The world-famous rock band Metallica donates money to MOT

The MOT logo is updated

MOT makes the first steps into the US

130 000 youth take part in MOT's programmes globally

The original foundation of MOT is divided into two separate legal units: MOT Norway and MOT Foundation