MOT’s results
Evaluations show that MOT prevents and protects against the most negative outcomes of the youth time. There is less bullying, fewer youth without one single friend, less mental problems and alcohol and drug abuse in MOT schools.
Additional impacts:
- Positive attitude, value awareness, learning orientation, optimism, go-ahead spirit, self-confidence and self-esteem, belief in own abilities, good class cultures.
- MOT is also used as a tool in leadership training and culture-building.
MOT prevents frequent bullying
Preventing frequent bullying is an important factor in strengthening life management skills and quality of life, and is an important factor in preventing social exclusion, mental problems, alcohol and drug abuse, crime, violence and violent extremism.
MOT strengthens youth’s self-esteem
Feel as a good person
Feel they have positive qualities
Strengthening youth’s self-esteem contributes to strengthening their life management skills and prevents mental problems, alcohol and drug abuse, crime, violence and violent extremism.
MOT strengthens youth’s growth mindset
Development orientation towards learing
Being able to beat yourself and focus on development and accomplishment – as opposed to being talented and comparing yourself to others – strengthens life management skills, quality of life, inner safety and the inner courage in youth. It’s a red flag if youth are dominated by a focus on affirmations and an exaggerated focus on being seen as talented.
MOT prevents social exclusion
Take care of people in class
More youth have friends
Social exclusion creates social problems and ruins lives. People who take the wrong paths in life and have ruined their own or others’ lives often have in common that they have been part of environments recognized by exclusionary group mechanisms.
People who, at a young age, experience social exclusion often have a great desire to belong and can be characterised by a behaviour that is founded on the desire to be accepted, to belong and be seen regardless of the costs.
Include others
MOT strengthens youth’s awareness and courage
Development in "to care"
Development in "to live" and "to say no"
Strengthening youth’s awareness and courage – to live, care and say no – helps strengthen life management skills and quality of life, and prevents frequent bullying, social exclusion, mental problems, alcohol and drug abuse, crime, violence and violent extremism.
MOT prevents feelings of hopelessness
See more hope
Being able to deal with adversity, conflicts, crisis, defeats and difficult experiences strengthens life management skills and quality of life and is an important factor in preventing social exclusion, mental problems, alcohol and drug abuse, crime and violence.