MOT Countries
The MOST important responsibility for the national MOT organisations is to implement the MOT Concept.
Top 5 assignments:
• Implementing MOT’s programmes in the best possible way – to as many schools/youth as possible
• Recruiting and educating the right local MOT coaches and school managements
• Building good internal cultures – both centrally and locally
• Ensuring a MOTy reputation, experience and profile/expression/image
• Financing and ensuring healthy and efficient operations/optimized use of resources
The MOT countries' management is MOT Foundation’s outstretched arm in reinforcing MOT's programmes, implementation and internationalization.
Three very important roles in the national top management are the Chairperson, CEO and CAD.
CAD is short for Core Activity Director. MOT’s CADs are responsible for MOT’s mission (“the artistic” – “the art of MOT”). CEO can have double meaning: Chief Executive Officer and Communication Executive Officer. MOT’s CEOs are usually responsible for finances, administration, organisation and communication. The CEOs and CADs together carry the paramount responsibility for the development of MOT in their countries. It’s natural that both roles have responsibility for MOT’s growth, meaning that the number of schools and youth in MOT's programmes is increasing. CEO and CAD are preferably equally ranked top leaders, and MOT Foundation recomends that both roles report to the Board. The Chairperson is appointed by MOT Foundation and is the main keeper, safeguard and responsible for MOT’s Comprehensive System in the country.
All three roles are recognizable as 'MOTy' persons with the right spirit, who feels very 'at home' within MOT's Comprehensive System and with working in the balance between freedom and a clear concept frame.
MOT Norway was established as organisation in 1997. Regine Oen Rong is the CEO of MOT Norway. Chairperson is Rune Bratseth. Atle Vårvik and Johann O. Koss are the initiators of both MOT and MOT Norway.

South Africa
MOT South Africa was established as organisation in 2008. Viola Manuel is the CEO and Andiswa Makha is the Core Activity Director. Chairman is Beryl Kerr Ferguson. Jannie Isaacs is the initiator of MOT South Africa.
MOT Denmark was established as organisation in 2013. From January 2021, Stina Grøn is the CEO and Core Activity Director. Chairperson is Patrick Rønning. Elo Andersen is also the initiator of MOT Denmark.

MOT Latvia was established as organisation in 2016. Ruta Masalska is the CEO and Core Activity Director for MOT Latvia. Chairperson is Kristaps Drone. Katrine Judovica is the initiator of MOT Latvia.