A brand can activate a passionate group of people to do something.
Like changing the world.

The MOT Identity creates the MOT brand, the youth's brand.

The MOT Identity is MOT's success formula and MOT's comprehensive system for all MOT countries. Everything is systemized.

MOT made 12 important choices from the beginning to build the MOT Identity.

Since MOT's beginning the building of the MOT Identity has been an ongoing process. The MOT Identity is MOT's comprehensive system for all MOT countries. Everything is systemized. The MOT Identity is MOT's success formula, that ensures common direction, passion and pride, locally and globally. The MOT Identity consists of the MOT Concept and MOT's brand profile. The rough development of the MOT Concept and MOT's brand profile was completed in 2019. It will never be completely finished, but in the future, focus will be more on outstanding implementation.
The MOT Identity makes the MOT brand. MOT is the youth’s brand and a social movement across schools, local communities, countries, politics and religions.

A great brand is a result and a consequence of building a specific and desired identity. 12 important choices were made from the beginning to build the MOT Identity:

  1. Take youth seriously
  2. Prevention by building the youth, rather than condemning them
  3. Prevention by focusing on values and attitudes
  4. Prevention through passion, inspiration and involvement
  5. Build on positive associations and use positive role models, rather than scare propaganda
  6. Clarity about what to communicate, and how
  7. Walk the talk! Take care of the inside and the inside will take care of the outside
  8. Right exposure activities
  9. Right ambassadors and media policy
  10. Right visual expression and use of logo
  11. Build a clear and recognizable image
  12. Everything MOT does is reduced to a system

The MOT Identity gives MOT a clear personality, strong position and resistance. MOT wanted to build an identity from day one. MOT wanted to build an identity that youth have strong ownership to and that makes the youth associate themselves with MOT. When the youth associate themselves with MOT, they are more responsive to MOT's message and MOT's values and youth's hearts are connecting. Youth shall think MOT is cool and have positive feelings and thoughts about MOT. MOT finds the way to the youth's heads and hearts because MOT gives positive experiences. What makes MOT unique is that youth use MOT in their own way.

"I hope that we never lose sight of that youth shall wish for MOT, ask for MOT and find MOT attractive."
– Atle Vårvik, Principal founder of MOT

"Create an inspirational experience in most of the MOT activities you do. A magical wrapping makes it easier to reach into people."
– Atle Vårvik, Principal founder of MOT