MOT can refer to good results.
MOT strengthens youth’s robustness, life skills, awareness and courage – courage to live, courage to care and courage to say no. MOT protects against the most negative oputcomes of the youth time. MOT prevents social problems in society.
The results
have been achieved because we have great MOT coaches who present MOT’s simple
life values in an inspirational and adventurous way. Through inspirational life
skills programmes in schools the MOT coaches perform the greatest art of all:
reaching the youth.
From day one
we were very determined that MOT should be an experience – a positive
experience created by show, rock ‘n roll and craziness combined with silence,
reflection and profundity. MOT should be something extraordinary in the
classroom. We wanted to create a magical atmosphere, making the youth become
part of MOT.
And that’s
how it turned out:
The youth felt they owned MOT. The MOT coaches were like conductors where all the youth were playing their ‘instruments’. We had the lives of the youth in the centre. We took them seriously. We were curious about each and every one. Asked and listened. There were plenty activities and action. The youth got ‘user-friendly’ MOT tools they could use in their daily life and in life itself. Often, the MOT sessions became like a party that they didn’t want to leave.
Although MOT
is growing, nationally and Worldwide, I am truly happy that this culture and
way of being lives among the MOT coaches.
The focus on
inspiration and experience is just as big today. That is really great!
I hope that we never lose sight of that youth shall wish for MOT, ask
for MOT and find MOT attractive. Please,
create an inspirational experience in most of the MOT activities you do.
A magical wrapping makes it easier to reach people. We must never forget that
MOT’s role is to engage through experience. Walt Disney used to say: “I would rather entertain and hope
that people learned something than educate people and hope they were
I would like to make a tribute to the more than 2000
local MOT coaches in South
Africa, Denmark, Thailand, Latvia and Norway. I’m proud that most of them are
outstanding at finding the way to the youth’s heads og hearts. Most of the MOT
coaches are ‘masters’ at bringing about youth’s positive feelings and thoughts,
and at making them self-builders. They are masters at helping youth use MOT in
their own way.
It is very reassuring with all the principals and the many MOT enthusiasts who indirectly
contribute in a way that the MOT coaches can INSPIRE our youth. This leads to a
warmer and safer society and a safer world, which again prevents ruined lives.
I wish you all an adventurous and inspirational