Part of MOT’s concept and part of being a leader in the MOT organisations is living MOT’s value-based performance culture.
The concept is the frame and «playing field». The value-based performance culture is the way we play. It’s about the common behaviour and attitudes within the MOT team; the local and central associates in MOT who want to create results in a MOTy way. MOT believes in having a few points rather than many rules as a basis for the culture. A result of the culture is that we need to trust ourselves and the ones around us. Rules are important, but too many rules easily make people focus more on own rights and demands, rather on what is best for all and what it takes to succeed in the best way possible. Too many rules are difficult to live up to and make people become passive, followed by less energy and courage.
One of the points in MOT’s value-based perfor-mance culture is to live by MOT’s philosophy.
Set a clear frame and direction
An important part of the MOT philosophy and a part that most of you hopefully benefit from in your MOT leadership, is creating a disciplined culture in the internal MOT team by making demands and having expectations, by expecting that the recipe is followed and by showing firmness. An important part of MOT leadership is to set a clear frame and direction. Upon practising this frame and direction and with your own conviction and faith, you might experience it uncomfortable and that you’re not liked by all. Know then that all not are fit to be a MOT associate – all are not fit to play on MOT’s value-based performance team. It’s not nice if others are hurt, annoyed, disappointed or feel rejected when you make unpopular decisions. Then remember that nobody created a master-piece without getting criticism. If you have made a decision that is sincere and clear to serve a cause that is bigger than yourself, take comfort in it.
Be kind
Think good and more positively about others and talk less behind others’ back. Create a good feeling in others and that they are good enough
The power of generosity, kindness, gratitude, to admire and be happy for others and good deeds, is enormous.
Imagine this: You’re at a party or event where you know very few. Then, forget your urge to talk with the right people etc. Think rather on finding someone who’s not comfortable at the party, and with who you can talk and therethrough make them feel better.
Being kind isn’t only strengthening others. It also strengthens your own self-esteem and makes you feel more confident in yourself. Today, one easily talks loudly out about “injustice” on behalf of oneself. We easily claim our rights and are strict about following the rules. However, building up robustness and self-esteem is just as much about being actively kind, as about shouting about own rights and demands.
Is kindness a business thing? YES!
Richard Branson: We should all work on being more friendly, generous and considerate. Kindness is a workplace «policy» within the Virgin Group.
Anita Roddick: The end result of kindness is that it draws people to you.
Every one of us has everything to gain from being kind! Kindness is good for the business. Kindness is good for yourself. Kindness is good for others and society.
Show courage!
However, remember that kindness is not the same as saying YES to everything. Courage to say no is important. Every time you say no to something, you say yes to something else. Steve Jobs once said that he was prouder of all the things he said no to than yes to.
Remember also that kindness is not about being indulgent. Stand up for what you believe in. Fight for the most important and forget about the unimportant and insignificant. Be clear. Safety is created by being clear on the frames. A good referee gives warnings, yellow and red cards, yet he may be very kind.
True kindness comes from within and it often takes some courage.
Aristotle: Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.