October has been a very active month for MOT Latvia. MOT seesions took place according the schedule in almost all MOT schools until autumn holidays (from 19-23 of October). Unfortunatelly, after holidays schools remain closed for students starting from grade 7 to 12 because of the pandemic. Remote learning process is supposed to continue till 15th of November, if not longer. Of course, it affects the general feeling for all MOT enthusiasts in Latvia and it is more and more challanging to remain motivated.
However, we keep focusing on positive and first time in MOT Latvia history we have prepared a newsletter, called MOTIVATOR. Chief editor of the newsletter is Rita who did really great job – it’s informative, inspirational, youthful and diverse. Newsletter consists not only of exciting articles, but also includes personal greeting from Atle, Katrīne, Ilze, interviews with principals, MOT coordinators and MOT coaches. All MOT enthusiasts are going to receive the newsletter every 2nd month. We believe, it will keep all of us more closer and motivated rather then meeting once in a year.

Nevertheless we are working to ensure finances for MOT Latvia in 2021. There are very last steps left to finalize the strategy. Last week MOT Latvia joined the Norwegian Chamber in commerce in Latvia to get closer to the business world, related to both countries Norway and Latvia. Also last week Ilze did tender with great success for financing the planned education of Young MOTivators at the Riga municipality. Now we just hope that it can take place.
Greetings from the nice small MOT Latvia team,
Ilze & Rita