Global change is in the air – for the world and also for the MOT team.
We need to ensure sustainable resources to continue our important work – to give MOT to more youth.
In October, MOT Foundation started another phase of our project with 180DC to focus on fundraising strategies. The main goal is to support the work in MOT countries and search for new possibilities.
We want to learn what is the best practice in the world of non-profit organizations.
There is certainly lots of undiscovered potential, especially when we think about the digital area and creative in-person fundraising events. The internet has no borders and digital strategies could be easily applicable to national and international work.
We want to put MOT on the global communication map to ensure that our work will have more awareness, and visibility and could reach out to like-minded people and door-openers. We want to be part of the global changemakers community.
All MOT countries are welcome to be part of this project and create new sources for MOT’s sustainable development.
Exciting future to come!