During the two final weeks of April, we went on an ambassador tour to five MOT schools throughout Norway. The incredible ambassadors we were accompanied by were the artist Peder Elias and freestyle footballer Tobias Becs.

The five MOT schools we visited were randomly selected during our annual enthusiast gathering in September. This year the lucky five were Skogn, Herøy, Sauda, Stordal and Fræna, which are located at different corners of the country.
“It is always incredibly fun to bring our MOT ambassadors to the schools. The schools have worked hard and made a day of the visit, and the MOT ambassadors are looking forward to meeting the youth and sharing their stories”, says Tore Sandnes from MOT Norway.
This year, artist and recently awarded Spellemann prize winner Peder Elias, and multiple world champion in freestyle football Tobias Becs the ambassadors who joined the visits. Both eagerly shared stories from their own lives, touching on topics like exclusion, fitting in and following their passions.
“I am very impressed with the youth’s engagement during the visits. It is a big deal to be allowed to offer advice from my own life, especially when I notice that the ones that ask questions are so attentive. One youth said he had a dream of becoming an actor, and asked how I can practice so much every day. It makes it very rewarding to share the tips that have worked for me”, says Tobias Becs.