Follow your dreams


In MOT Denmark we are facilitating the last evaluation meetings and in the middle of the recruiting process for our 3 Basic Educations in August and September.

We are so thrilled to watch all the MOT coach recruitment videos and how they creatively show courage. We know that courage comes in many shapes but now we are even more sure! One jumps from a tree down on a pile of matresses confronting his fear of hights. One pours out his son’s Lego on the floor and dances on them with bare feet. Some jump in the cold ocean. Some sing songs in public and some take quiet time which for them feels unfamiliar.

The video recruitment task is to make a 3 minutes long video where the introduce themselves, shares a dream and shows courage. One dream made a big impact on me: A male MOT coach shares how he has always dreamt of taking time off from his job as a teacher and just be at home with his family. Then the Corona Lockdown came and after 2 weeks away from his students he missed them so much and felt so helpless in order to be there for them, supporting them, giving them a hug and just making a difference for youth. So now his dream had changed: He dreams of becoming the best possible MOT coach!

We are also fulfilling some dreams from our Dream Period. Didde Louise has worked on streamlining the period and encouraging the MOT coaches to prioritize this in session 8 Dreams. This is Emmelie who has an illness and loves horses. Because of her illness, she has not been allowed and felt brave enough to ride a big professional horse but it was her biggest dream. Look at this:

So all in all we are happy that Denmark is opening up slowly and we can visit our schools physically. I had a meeting with a big school in Copenhagen and I brought Hugo, a former Young MOTivator, with me. At one point, the School Principal said: It sounds like something we have already tried where the youth had a lot of fun with catching each other when falling from a table! It did not work. Then Hugo asked: What was the activity about? Why did they do it? The principal said that he didn’t know for sure but it was probably some kind of trust thing. Hugo replied: In MOT we always know WHY we do an activity or an exercise! We don’t just fall down from a table! We talk about it afterwards. We perspectivize it into our lives. We use it to find tools we can lean on. The WHY is always clear in a MOT session! And that is WHY MOT works!

I said no more and the school is now on board.

Take care everyone

Stina Grøn, Core Activities Director MOT Denmark