Sucess factors in the build-up of MOT


For 27 years I have had the privilege of being the entrepreneur and top leader of MOT. It has been an adventurous journey towards the goal: to prevent social problems through strengthening youth’s quality of life, and through strengthening a warmer and safer society.

I have listed a selection of 31 points, that I have been passionate about in the build-up of MOT:

  1. To do things right is important, but the most important of all is doing the right things.
  2. Learn from everything and everyone – realize the best thoughts, ideas, opportunities, and chances.
  3. Action this day! Just do it!
  4. Awareness and courage – to live, care and say no.
  5. Have trust and confidence in people.
  6. Goodness and kindness.
  7. Good values and responsibility.
  8. Inspiration and enthusiasm.
  9. Ownership and feeling of mastery.
  10. Joy and experience.
  11. True and sincere.
  12. The right MOT associates.
  13. MOTy internal culture.
  14. Disciplined cooperation and involvement.
  15. Carrying out with firmness and discipline.
  16. Dare make demanding and unpopular choices and decisions to the best for MOT on a long term.
  17. Funding and a head for business.
  18. Efficient operations and cost-consciousness.
  19. Results and impact.
  20. Research and observations.
  21. A comprehensive, flexible, and strong MOT system made with the perspective of eternity.
  22. A simple philosophy with a positive and broad approach, that can be used as a universal tool.
  23. Impactful MOT programmes in schools and local communities – with continuity.
  24. The target group is ALL the youth – the ones who are on the outside, as well as the role models and the ‘average’ youth.
  25. Build MOT as a brand for the youth and as a neutral value movement.
  26. Youth use MOT their own way.
  27. MOTy profile building.
  28. The MOT logo is used as a reinforcement and reminder about MOT’s values.
  29. Top athletes and other high profiled people are used as a tool to reach youth with MOT’s message.
  30. Partnership models that strengthen MOT schools, MOT municipalities and MOT countries’ ownership, and independence:
  • Solid rooting through close follow-up in the beginning. Live Plato’s quote: ‘The beginning is the most important part of the work’.
  • Further independent growth, supported by good guidelines, and some follow-up – in a system.
  1. Solve social society problems through reinforcing the positive rather than condemning and too much focus on the problem.
    • E.g., talk about the courage to say no, rather than the drug addiction, and instead of talking about bullying, focus on the courage to care and the importance of including others and accepting that we are different.
    • Through being proactive, for instance through positive building of young people, school environments and societies, many problems will never happen. Consequently, there will be less need for measures to solve them.
    • Through strengthening young people there will be less need for repairing adults.

I hope you who are reading this, together with thousands of MOT associates around the world, will help developing youth’s robustness, awareness, and courage – courage to live, courage to care, and courage to say no. Then youth will get even better lives. Then we will get better schools and local communities. Then there will be less society problems and more safety and peace.