Enthusiast Gathering in Norway


MOT Norway’s Enthusiast gathering 2017

Every year in September MOT Norway facilitates the Enthusiast gathering for all the MOT associates and contributors from all over the country. This year they set a new record, with over 650 participants. The theme for this gathering was “MOT in the classroom”, and the participants got a closer look into how the MOT sessions really work in the classroom – with MOT’s exercises and tools.

With a programme with great variety, there were many highlights. Many of the participants were still very clear on that they thought the best part was the ending part which was called “Youth use MOT in their own way”. In this part of the programme, youth from Norway, Denmark and South Africa shared their own story on how they have used MOT in their personal life.

Having youth from other countries gave an extra dimension to MOT Norway’s Enthusiast gathering, and really reminded all the people in MOT Norway that we are a part of something big. MOT develops robust youth, who include all – all over the world. It was a very moving and inspiring ending to a great Enthusiast gathering.

Li from Denmark, sharing her story.
Elias, a Young MOT leader from Norway
Gary from South Africa with a very inspiring speech.