Brand building choices, week 44


Exactly 20 years ago the first MOT coaches were finished with the first month doing MOT sessions. The youth became inspired and wanted more MOT sessions. From the beginning youth associated themselves with MOT and found it cool and relevant. Today we simply say that what makes MOT unique is that “Youth use MOT in their own way”. We wouldn’t have succeeded in this if we had focused on the product itself only. Since the beginning in 1997 MOT has been focusing more on the brand than the product. Through the brand building youth associate themselves more with MOT and it has made it easier to have influence. Why brand focus more than product focus? Products have life cycles. Brands outlive products. Brands can activate a passionate group of people to do something like changing the world. Products can’t really do that.


A recognizable and loved brand is one of MOT’s most valuable assets. From day one MOT wanted to build a brand.


Brand building choices MOT has made since the beginning in 1997:


  1. MOT shall be something cool, a magical experience, cultural movement and a comprehensive concept.
  2. MOT shall be outstanding at reaching in to youth, take youth seriously and have the lives of the youth as the core focus.
  3. MOT shall walk the talk and be experienced as youthful and sincere/honest.
  4. Courage to care, courage to say no and courage to live is going to be “in”, cool and “connect” with the hearts of the youth.
  5. MOT shall have a solid, relevant and simple basic product: Three life values. Programme of continuity that hits all the youth.
  6. MOT shall build on positive associations through a clear, recognizable and positive profile and visual expression, and using role models instead of scare propaganda. MOT’s objective is to “build” and prevent, not to condemn.
  7. The MOT logo shall be an important instrument and a hallmark. By connecting top athletes, artists and actors with the MOT logo the youth will want MOT.
  8. MOT shall have a clear and strong “passion culture” that is recognized by associates that are positive, enthusiastic and idealistic.
  9. MOT’s associates shall be aware of their role and behaviour on all arenas, and especially when wearing the MOT logo.
  10. MOT shall be outstanding as regard good order: structure, systems, planning, organising, economy control and legally correct.
  11. Signature stories about MOT’s history shall be spread and told.
  12. MOT shall have a top management with the “genes of the top athlete”:
    1. outstanding as regard passion, go-ahead-spirit, power to accomplish, self-discipline and perseverance
    2. courage – to choose away, make decisions, dream, be “original” and have faith in that “nothing is impossible”
    3. outstanding at having a “top-down perspective”, totality and foresight. MOT’s position and not one’s own
    4. opportunity focus and hunger for development, learning from all and everything, sets the best ideas and possibilities into real life, continuously strengthening MOT so that it can move fast and develop for the future and coming generations