In week 8 and 9, there were two Courage to Lead gatherings in Norway.
In total there were 35 youth gathered these weeks and all of them were carefully selected by their school or muncipality, because they are great role models for others.
During the camp the youth went through leadership challenges, team work exercises, outdoor activities, awareness rooms and reflection around values and the future. The main goal with the gathering was to strengthen the youth’s life skills, courage and an insight to who they are, what they want and what’s important to them.
The feedback from the youth has been overwhelming. One of the youth said that the gathering changed her life, and that she now knows a lot more about herself and how she will act towards others. We are very happy to have completed two successful Courage to Lead gatherings, with lots of laughter and good reflections.
Thank you to our new young MOT leaders – we are very proud of them. They are role models that have courage to live, courage to care and courage to say no, and we are certain that they will make a big difference for other youth!