10thof October 2018 will go down in the books as a memorable day. Walking in the doors at MOT-camp this day, I met 12 youth attending at the “Young MOT-leader-gathering”, four board members of MOT Latvia who held their board meeting there and last but not least: 30 Chinese athletes. The whole thing felt unreal… The Chinese athletes who are between 16 and 20 years old arrived the night before and are here to become winter Olympians. They are summer sport athletes who will be turned into winter sport athletes the next years and hopefully succeed during the Olympics in Beijing, 2022.
Upon their arrival in the middle of the night they were welcomed by the board members of MOT Latvia and the youth who were smiling, cheering and waving with Norwegian and Chinese flags. First part of the deal with the Chinese is to be hosts for them every day until 23rdof December this year.
This is an adventure it is great to take part in.