In June MOT Latvia experienced another historical moment; the first results for the programme “Robust Youth 12-16” were collected.
Around 400 young people in our 5 first MOT schools completed the MOT survey in their very last MOT session after 3 years.
On the question ‘MOT takes youth seriously’ the average score on a scale from 1-6 (6 = top score): 5,2.
Average score on the questions about their experience of MOT: 4,92.
We are so proud!
The youth have welcomed their MOT coaches and say MOT has helped them include others more, and also to focus on their own lives and on having courage to say no.
Their MOT coaches were invited to youth graduation events, received warm thanks, flowers and sweets. The MOT coaches were proud and happy to see their youth and together remembering their 3 years long journey together. The country management of MOT Latvia is particularly pleased that all the 5 first MOT schools, after 3 pilot years, have said YES to MOT and agreed to start paying the fees, starting from now on.
Ilze Paidere-Stake
Country Manager, MOT Latvia