It’s time to act seriously


February has been very active for MOT Latvia in broad areas of activity: successfully leaded MOT sessions in schools, new MOT sessions for business people leaded, presentations looking for new MOT schools in the next school year, following up the political situation in order to pay attention to MOT at political level.

We continue to receive very inspiring words and observations from our great MOT coaches on your people’s reflections, conclusions, turning points in their belifs, behaviour, especially towards those who feel excluded in the class. It is also nice to read students letters from MOT sessions and make sure how MOT is working for them. Nevertheless, some MOT coaches are having their last MOT sessions with lots of emotions, memories and goodbuys with tears in eyes. Meanwhile, our amazing MOT coach and enthuziast Anna Zaula has mastered 2 magical MOT session to our business
partners about Inner strength.

However, we should not be stopped for great pleasure and satisfaction, because there will be a lot of work for us in the future. Latvia is 1st among EU and OECD countries in terms of both the bulling and violence of pupils in the schools environment. Moreover, the situation has deteriorated since the previous study. Consequesntly, this problem has been raised at the political level in Latvia, and we very much look forward becoming one of the real instruments at the country level to prevent this painful problem in the future. It’ s time to act seriously.

Ilze Paidre-Stake, CEO MOT Latvia