“I am happy on the inside again”


Although Norway is slowly but surely opening up a bit, the schools are still closed due to Covid-19 and there naturally still is a lot less MOT activity towards the schools.

When we realized that the schools we’re closed and it wasn’t possible to have MOT sessions as usual, MOT Norway started to make easy manuscripts with MOT inspiration for the MOT coaches so that they could have short sessions with the youth over the web.

We have sent out a survey to the youth that has experienced the digital MOT inspiration and over 700 youth have answered. Here are some of the comments:

“We got to see each other, even though it was only for a little while, but that was good because we haven’t seen each other like that for a long time”

“I am happy on the inside again”

“I thought it worked well. I started thinking more about others, and that I have to reach out to others”

“We did some fun tasks that made me think more about the small things that are positive in a day, and I thought that was nice”

“It made me aware of the importance to include all, and I got to see an example that underlined how important it actually is”

“I feel more happy, more satisfied sort of, and it made me look forward to seeing my classmates again”

“It was inspiring and gave me a good feeling to keep living my life to the fullest”

We believe this underlines that MOT is still very important – maybe more than ever. It feels good to give the youth some MOT ‘refill’, although we know there is nothing in the world that can even compare to the magic that happens in a MOT-session. We can’t wait to send our MOT-coaches back to the classroom again, in the meantime we do our best to give the youth some inspiration through the digital MOT inspiration and through social media.

Regine Oen Hatten, Core Activities Director MOT Norway