A magical moment


October 1st is yet another historical day. This date will stand as MOT Minnesota’s official date of birth. 

 The official paperwork was filed with the State of Minnesota with George Saad, Michele Heiberg and Sigrun Vårvik on the Founding Board. George is the man behind the action, and he is following up what he said after we visited Minnesota November 2019:

I believe strongly in the mission of MOT, and I know that MOT’s teachings are very much needed in the United States. My experience in the education sector in the United States has shown me, over and over again, how much there is a need to provide the youth of this country with guidance, role models, mentorship, and MOT – the courage to seek what is right for their lives and their futures.

Before George said yes to be the Chair of MOT Minnesota he asked about success factors and weaknesses when starting up in a country. This is some of the notes we sent:

Success factors:

  • Dedicated initiator – passionate and a person of influence with good network
  • Good Chairperson
  • The «right» operative management with the right spirit. Recognizable as P-YIS with a heart for people, reaches in and likes working in the balance between freedom and a clear concept frame.
  • Executive Director with «GRIT» (courage, power to make things happen, self-discipline, faith) and PASSION for MOT’s purpose (enthusiasm, dedication, commitment). Good at interaction and inspiration.
  • Financing: Get funding from one major and solid company within private business.
  • Executive Director quick at recruiting the right schools, MOT coaches and principals on the team.
  • Marketing/branding:
    • Get 2-4 schools on board early and make them become good examples
    • Good principals promoting the importance of MOT and as good «sellers» to other schools
    • MOT ambassadors who are «real» and MOTy
    • Spice up the message using the logo on articles such as wristbands, posters etc.
  • Extreme firmness about right recruitment. The right people who are passionate about MOT’s purpose.
  • Executive Director uses the Board and gets help from the Board
  • Executive Director:
    • Curious. Questioning and listening to MOT Foundation the first 2-3 years. Excellent implementation of MOT’s Comprehensive System and comprehensive understanding – MOT country grows in the right way
    • Steady course. Follow the programmes and concept recipe. Make no compromise with the concept

Negative experiences – preventing start-up of MOT:

  • Initiator’s/potential operative leader’s lack of
    • «Grit» and concept understanding/belief
    • Head for marketing and communication skills to «sell» MOT to schools and others
  • Potential operative leader’s lack of
    • «Action this day» attitude and ability to accomplish
    • Attitude and personality to go all in (hard work) and idealistic attitude
    • The «right» attitude and personality to work within and with a concept. Didn’t like working in the balance between freedom and a clear concept frame. It became either «too much freedom» or «not enough freedom»