MOT SA Courage to Care Day

Courage to Care MOT

We are proud to share that even though the world was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, our MOT Family was still able to do 4 Courage to Care Day projects throughout the year.

See below to see what they got up to!

Sakhisizwe YDP (Community organisation)

When the lockdown was lifted and facilities were made open, the MOT Coaches and staff at Sakhisizwe prepared their classrooms for their grade 7s and grade 12 by cleaning and painting their classes.

West Coast College

Our MOT Youth, Young MOTivators and the Student Representative Council students (Youth leaders) from West Coast College prepared and handed out soup to the families in their community!

False Bay College

Our Young MOTivators, MOT Coaches, and the Student Representative Council students (Youth leaders) from False Bay College held a campaign to raise over 200 canned goods and donated it to the Mitchell’s Plan Can Project in their community.


With the COVID pandemic putting our MOT Programmes on hold, such as activities, Young MOTivators’ Education and MOT Coaches’ Basic Education, MOT SA hosted a Courage to Care Campaign by redirecting our corporate donations to participate in the feeding schemes currently in place by 3 of our community organisations.

We are so proud of our MOT Youth, Young MOTivators and MOT Coaches for showing the courage to care and for spreading happiness & positivity in their community and for playing their role as active citizens!