In December, we finally reached one of our big goals this year: 70.000 youth in the programme! This means that we have had an increase with over 5000 youth this year, something that we are very happy with because as we all know, this year has been extra demanding for everyone due to the pandemic.

Some of the key reasons that we have experienced a solid growth in 2020 are:
- The reform of the National Curriculum has opened new doors for us. MOT Norway has been very focused on communicating to the schools that MOT is an excellent tool for implementing the new curriculum, especially when it comes to health and life skills.
- Business partners that have contributed to reduce the costs for the schools, making it easier for the schools to join the programme,
- Recruting the right people on board and making sure we have high quality where we already are. Every years some schools and municipalities join MOT because they see another MOT school or municipality close by that are doing so well.
- Campaigns to increase knowledge about MOT, such as the Hi* campaign during the Value start in august that reached over 1 million people through social media.

Now we are motivated for a new year, and ready to work hard so that even more schools will join the programme. Hopefully we reach new heights in 2021!
Mariann Janson, CEO MOT Norway
Regine Oen Hatten, Core Activities Manager, MOT Norway