MOT Latvia has launched 2021 with great enthusiasm and a clear strategy. We have a new board, in which out of 5 members 3 are new. With the establishment of this Board, the roles of each member have been more clearly defined: finance, management, PR and marketing, and school. Each Board member is also involved in sub-groups and has undertaken to represent his role in line with the new strategy. We look forward to a greater return to the outcome of the organisation.
Schools are still closed in Latvia and young people learn remotely. It is very likely that it will remain until the end of the school year on 31 May. Consequently, we have accepted the challenge of seeking alternative ways to maintain the MOT spirit, to be present to the youth.

We continue to successfully publish an electronic newspaper to all MOT enthusiasts, reporting the most up-to-date, publishing inspiring interviews, conducting competitions to maintain the MOT spirit. More and more MOT coaches have called for the contest to win the MOT hat on those who will lead MOT online. Here we are grateful to MOT Norway for introducing us the MOT extra manuscript. Latvian MOT coaches love this material and are using it with pleasure. Rita continues to be brilliant in MOT social media, Instagram especially, creating MOTy content and design. There is also a great plan of marketing activities and even big campaigns to come. At last but not least also the work on funding is very active. We are preparing application for a Norwegian grant and hope to be successful this time.
MOT Latvia