YES to the new beginning….


Spring with nice warm sun is saying YES to the new beginning here in European part of the world. And I am curious and wondering what is going to flourish in the nature and also in MOT globally? We have started monthly global meetings and it was soooo good to see each other and to sense MOT spirit in sharing.

It is such a gift to know that we are not alone in these unusual times, we are part of MOT family and we can fill each other with jetfuel just being together one hour on screen😊 This is the way how we make each other better. This is the place where we express our opinions. The mutual respect and ability to handle different opinions inspire me most. This is our big treasure – the diversity and uniqueness. We are so different, our national decisions and solutions can be very different and still we are all so united in the name of youth, for the good of our communities.

Sharing, caring and inspiration are the key words in MOT’s daily activities. These words are also the key to make MOT leaders stronger. Not just in words but in real action. I am looking very much forward to seeing and hearing you.

This is the time when youth need MOT most and probably, we need each other most?

Take care, sending you my warmest regards!



Global CEO