Prestigious international award for MOT Latvia


September for MOT Latvia has been another wonderful month especially because of the fact that MOT sessions can happen again in person! MOT coaches are happy to come back and meet their youth. Perhaps some schools still have some wariness and anticipating attitudes, but many good practices also force others to be brave and just start taking sessions.

But September is also a special month for our organisation since we’ve just won a silver medal in the prestigious international contest ESOMAR Research Effectiveness Award 2021. “MOT Latvia”, along with the research company Forth Research, ranks best TOP 3 with Unilever South Africa, which gained first place, and Microsoft USA, which in turn gained 3 rd place. Knowing Atle’s dream of a MOT brand place in the world’s TOP 10 in 2050, we rightly believe that we are coming to this dream!

In early April, when we started to prepare our campaign called “MOT teenager’s motivational month” together with the company Forta Research, we conducted a study on the mental health of young people to include statistics on the true state of mental health of the youth. The study confirmed the importance of the problem and highlighted the need to talk more and louder about it, both in schools and in organisations and families. The purpose of the study was not simply to “measure the average temperature” but to help better understand the reality of the mental health of Latvian young people, their feelings

during “Covid-19”, in order to prepare an informational campaign and develop practical assistance tools to help. The study is not just a compilation of figures, it is an important communication channel through which to express the “voice” of society, in this case –  young people.

The aim of the “Research Effectiveness Award 2021” international competition is to highlight the best examples of how the market or social research can have significant commercial and/or social impacts. The research project has succeeded if it offers not only valuable statistics but also real results from which the company or the public benefits.

We are very proud to be able to offer unique solutions – MOT tools like the flashlight, a mirror, a magic button, jetfuel, and everything else that are so common in the MOT world.