Dear MOT Leaders and Friends,
It’ s a new day. Hope it’s a good one for you all!
New day – new opportunities! This is the mood we want to share with you today.
Despite all the challenges, we know that you are doing your best in all MOT Countries to help youth improve the quality of their lives. Thank you so much for your passion and dedicated work!
MOT Foundation is also exploring new possibilities. We are excited to tell you that MOT Foundation is getting into an agreement with 180 Degrees Consulting. 180 DC is an international non-profit organization providing professional consultancy services for non-profits with a shared goal – to scale the social impact in the world.
The scope of our cooperation project will cover two very important areas – global fundraising and global stakeholder mapping. It is time for MOT to look outside the boarders and go beyond into “the world of youth organizations”, learn about global experiences and find new ways to attract funding for the MOT International growth.
Looking very much forward to go for new opportunities and give more youth MOT!
With courage and passion,
MOT Foundation team