Ida Bjarmann and Henriette Alnæs found safety in MOT and use especially one important MOT tool every day.
MOT wisher to work proactively against loneliness, bullying, and mental illness through strengthening youths’ robustness, mastery of life, and courage. We want to be present in youths’ lives.
– MOT has been an important part of my life since I became a young MOTivator in 9th grade. MOT has contributed to making me more confident, both when meeting others and how I view myself. The MOT values have helped guide me to figure out what kind of person I want to be. I have met so many amazing people and gained a lot of role models through MOT, says Henriette.
MOT has been a safety
Together with Ida is Henriette a part of MOT Norway’s youth staff, and they travel around to do presentations for football schools, “biathletes with MOT” and for Young MOTivators. Ida is not in doubt that MOT has played an important part in her life.
– Being close to people in MOT has made me who I am today. I was always seen when I was surrounded by MOT people, and I think that taught me how I wanted to be towards others. I wanted to be a person people could feel safe around.
She emphasises that she has learned a lot through being a part of MOT and that having been a part of it has made her much safer.
– I am almost certain that without MOT, I would not have dared to go on an exchange in high school. It was scary to move all the way to the US, but ended up being the best year of my life so far.
Important tools in day-to-day life
One of MOT’s tools is the flashlight. We use it as a symbol for illuminating what is good in people in situations – to focus on the positive. Both Ida and Henriette use it actively in their everyday life.
– The flashlight has been especially important to me in times that have been tough. It is hard to focus on the positive when you are struggling, but the flashlight has made me able to see the little joys. I have written down three things that have been good about the day, and this helps me appreciate the little things in day-to-day life, says Henriette.
Ida agrees;
-I think it is important to use the flashlight on everybody you meet and in different situations. When you are able to see the beauty in others, I think that will lead to you having it better as well.