Regine Oen Hatten is 27 years old and has previously been employed as Core Activity Director for MOT Norway. She has had different roles since she first started working for MOT in 2015, and now she is ready to take on the role of CEO.
– I am so incredibly happy and grateful for this opportunity. I see it as a great token of confidence. My passion for developing robust youth and inclusive cultures is immense, and I believe MOT is the best tool to achieve just that.
Regine grew up with the MOT programme at her school in Øygarden and has since been a Young MOTivator, a Young MOT leader, and a MOT coach.
– My first encounter with MOT was in 2007 at my secondary school, where I had two amazing MOT coaches. MOT and MOT’s values have been incredibly important for me and made it easier for me to feel confident and make my own choices while growing up. My greatest motivation for taking this job is that as many youths as possible will have the same experience with MOT as I had.
Regine steps into the role on the 1st of August after she has returned from maternity leave. Until then, Geir Nesset acts as the temporary leader of MOT Norway.
– I am so passionate about MOT, and I am very excited to come back to a strong MOT team with fantastic employees, MOT coaches, MOT principal, and of course the incredible youth. I am sure that we can take MOT to new heights.