On 7-9th October, MOT South Africa hosted our first Young MOTivators’ Education for Schools in 3 years, since the Covid-19 pandemic to 24 youth leaders!
The Youth Camp started off with the Wishlist, thereafter, the Life Shield session in which the youth got to be open and share more about themselves.

We had some very inspiring visitors join us, such as our MOT Ambassadors Sharief Hendricks and Hlonela Minaye Mrwetyana (Hloni), visitors from Rotary Foundation and from the MOT SA Board!
Our MOT Ambassador, Sharief inspired the youth through the points of Adaptability, Questioning yourself/Critical thinking, Process and Consistency.
“No one wakes up a master. Every master will tell you, it’s the everyday things”. Chop wood, Carry water, which speaks to falling in love with the process of your pursuits, thriving and being committed. This is a saying Sharief lives by and he inspired the youth to do a little bit every day, over time it will all count in order to reach your goals.
Our MOT Ambassador, Hloni couldn’t be there in person, but joined us via the Zoom Meeting platform. She started off with a dance session, in which she taught the youth her ShikiShiki Dance Challenge, which they gladly participated in!

She then went on to inspire the youth by sharing her story sharing who her role model is, how she balances her school life and career, and still ends up getting A’s, sharing her goals and tips on what keeps her motivated.
We further enjoyed another surprising welcome video from MOT Founders, Atle and Sigrun Vårvik. Our youth were thrilled to meet the founders of MOT, especially since they were exposed to MOT’s History and how it all started!
We had a fun, exciting and interactive weekend with the youth, getting to know each one of them. We are excited for the great and positive change our youth will be bringing about in their communities and schools!