October for MOT Latvia has been quite intense and multilateral.
Concerning core activities, we’ve built a team of 3 (Ilze, Linda, Anna) to review all MOT schools. The task is to get in direct contact with each school, and have a conversation about how MOT teams in schools really are doing after the pandemic and what needs they have in order to come back on track.
Regarding brand building we are very happy to see that many MOT enthusiasts are being invited to present MOT in several events – interviews on both local and state radio, presentations for the company’s employees, introduction to school visitors from abroad, discussion on youth mental health among many professional organizations, organized by State Audit office etc. MOT brand spreads widely with and without management involvement and we are very proud of that.

Nevertheless, we got introduced to the new Ambassador of Norway in Latvia Mrs. Ine Mareng. She knows MOT very well as a mother of two MOT students. Ine would like to present MOT in Latvian schools during her regional visits. We are preparing for her a nice 30min long manuscript. We believe it’s a very nice way to introduce MOT values as universal human values.
Regarding MOT youth we are proud to take part at one of the biggest radio stations EHR (European hit radio), where our MOT youngsters are co-builders of a podcast series on topics that are relevant to youth. In total there will be 12 podcast sessions during 6 months period.
At the very end, we are surprised and happy to have received 43 applications for our CEO vacancy! We truly believe that we’ll be able to find a brilliant candidate.