The 23rd of November, MOT Norway celebrated Courage to care day. This day is all about raising awareness of how little it takes to give others a good day. It is so easy to fill others’ jet fuel tank, all it takes is just a smile, a hi or a nice comment.
This day was celebrated in many different ways by MOT schools all across the country. Young MOTivators spoke about how important it is to spread joy, there were dances and shared food, youth were met with a smile when they arrived at school and business partners raised awareness of the day.
Our social media feeds were filled with people spreading joy and sharing inspiration from courage to care day. It is incredible to see the widespread effort that goes into this day, and we are so proud to be a part of this team. It has almost become the national MOT day in Norway.
If you want to experience some of the incredible atmospheres from MOT schools around the country, you should check out this video: