MOT has been part of a wonderful charity fundraising event through one of our local radio stations. Our Brand Ambassador, Carl Wastie, a local radio presenter and entertainment personality at radio station KFM 94.5 fm, nominated MOT SA to be part of a charity drive this month.
How it works is the following:
A listener of the radio station gets selected and wins R5000 for entering in the competition. They get to choose balls numbered between 1 to 27 behind them. 17 balls have rand amounts behind them and 10 balls have bombs. It is up to the listener to choose correctly, otherwise if they pick a bomb, they bomb out and lose out on the money they may or may not have won. They can pick as many balls with rand amounts on as long as they do not select a bomb.
However much the winner wins, MOT SA, also wins.
So far we have raised 25 000 ZAR (approx. 1 500 EUR) for MOT SA!
All thanks to the Flash Drive Team at KFM and the listeners who have won money.
Terzel Rasmus-Williams
Marketing Assistant, MOT SA