
The Courage to Care Day 2019 was a greater success than ever in MOT Denmark.

This because approximately 80% of our schools now schedule the day and make sure to prioritize this reinforcement day. It is, as we all know, an activity that has a hygge effect whether it is more or less spontaneous or planned in details. Because joy and care works equally well anyways.

I am a little extra proud when I receive so many texts, emails, pictures and videos from the day including this one from the MOT leader (vice principal) at one of our MOT schools, Sølystskolen: 

“Here is a short presentation with pictures and films from our fantastic Courage to Care Day. Our youth went around the whole community and spread joy to everyone. They went to kindergartens, an animal shelter and nursing home. They picked up trash, gave cookies and sweet messages to everyone they met – children, youth and adults. It was a fantastic day with the most caring and loving vibe and focus on the community. You know, Stina, that my staff did not like the idea of taking out a whole day of the schedule for this when we first started two years ago. Now, they all love it and ask for it and participate. It tells me, as principal, that it is important and has been sought for in our culture at our school. We are also busy filling up our 14 Grand MOT information meetings around schools in the country and are looking forward to conduct the meetings in December and January.”

Stina Grøn Vogel

Core Activities Manager, MOT Denmark