Be the person you needed when you were young


This is a quote from one of our new MOT coaches in Denmark.

We have had 3 fantastic MOT Basic Educations and have a team of 140 new MOT coaches, coordinators and leaders. Every time we finish an education, we hear ourselves say “Wauu! This was the best education ever!” and that is exactly how it feels.

The quote says a lot about what it is that we really search for in a MOT coach and in MOT’s integrity: Be the person you needed when you were young!

A good reminder to all of us! To stay true to MOT’s values and principles in words and action. Only then can we feel valuable and in integrity with the mortar in the MOT bridge: consciousness and courage.

We are thankful for yet another 3 uplifting and memorable MOT Basic Educations and to all the MOT coaches and to all of us: Go be the person you needed when you were young!

Stina Grøn Vogel, Core Acitivity Manager MOT Denmark