Stavanger is Norway’s fourth largest city and lies on the south-west coast of Norway.
There have not been any MOT schools in this city – at least not for many years. The past month the tide has turned, and MOT Norway has signed four new schools from Stavanger and over a thousand youth from this area will take a part in MOTs programme: Robust Youth.
– We experience that the new National Curriculum is making more principals see that MOT is a great tool that helps the schools to build robustness and work with life skills and mastery of life, says CEO of MOT Norway, Mariann Janson
With these four schools coming in, MOT Norway is closer than ever to reaching the next goal which is to have 70.000 youth in the programme by January 1st, 2021.
Mariann Janson, CEO, MOT Norway
Regine Oen Hatten, Core Activities Director, MOT Norway