We are thrilled to announce a new team member – Rita Mihalovica!
Rita has joined MOT Latvia as Head of marketing and communications and will help with brand awareness and finances to spread MOT further in Latvia. Ilze will continue as Head of Core activities and is very happy to welcome Rita.
1st of September is usually the first school day after summer holidays in Latvia. But this year students are back to school after a half year break due pandemic. Most of secondary schools have choosen to be open and not to continue the remoted model which allows MOT to be back in schools! We have reviewed both activities and timings to be able to continue safe and with high responsibility towards our and students health. Education for Young MOTivators is now postponed to January in order to catch the 7th MOT session and still have time to lead MOT sessions in the 2nd part of the school year. Overall, we don’t see obstacles to continue MOT in schools so far. It’s such a pleasure to see how MOT was missed both by MOT coaches and by students! Every moment now matters. Enthusiasm and creativity now is on top of the top. Although the Covid-19 situation in Latvia in general is getting worse again, we enjoy every single step towards our mission – for a warmer and safer society!
Ilze Paidre-Stake, CEO MOT Latvia