April for MOT Latvia has been a historical month with the largest successful brand campaign ever. In cooperation with Latvia’s best experts in the field of mental health of young people – the Youth Resources Centre – we have carried out a variety of activities under the name “Month of motivation”.
The main aim of the campaign was to activate a public discussion on mental health and to provide practical tools to help prevent mental health problems.
Both MOT Lativa and our social media accounts have provided a series of recommendations on how to train our mental health.

These recommendations have been tested in both MOT sessions and at the specialist practices of the Youth Resources Centre.
We’ve created a new, bright team of MOT ambassadors that engaged in both sharing their stories and speaking in a campaign video, participating in podcasts and interviews, and sharing the MOT story and values.
We have recommended mobile apps and introduced the MOT’s brand ambassadors’ recipes for self-motivation during the pandemic. Several interviews, podcasts, discussions and activities under MOT brand were daily presented overall in our country.
We had incredibly great support from national media, outdoor companies, TV and news portals and, of course, the greatest friend, Narvesen, and so many volunteer MOT enthusiasts. It allowed the MOT brand to be visible and audible throughout the country for a whole month.
We are exhausted, but very happy and looking forward, what fruit the campaign will bring.
P.S. all outdoors / visual expressions were based on MOT tools – the magic button, jetfuel, flashlight etc.
All the best,