In May we have had our Young MOTivators education online which is a huge success! The youth who had to accept a cancellation of the education in October last year because of Covid were so pleased to hear that they are wanted, needed and acknowledged. They had their first online session with Tim and Eva in mid May and their last session with Tim and Laura on June 2nd. In the meantime they have had a MOT-session in 6th grade and will have one in 5th and 6th just before the summer break.
Touring the MOT schools
We are touring around Denmark at the moment. Tim, Nikolaj and Laila are visiting all our existing schools to evaluate and motivate. We are getting positive feedback and we so needed to hear that they are still on board with us and many have completed all the MOT sessions despite of the big challenge we have faced. It makes me so proud! I think that the term “being ready to change” has a whole new meaning now. In my perspective, our schools are experts on this now, so if anyone wants advice on how to be ready to change – contact a school!
Aalborg shows courage
We are also having meetings with municipalities and presenting “MOT cooperation with a municipality!” under the title “Aalborg shows courage!”. It has been one of my main focuses these last few months, to put together a structured, including and attractive cooperation agreement that will create a sustainable future for the schools and therefor for our youth. We have received only positive feedback and serious interest in cooperating with MOT.

I had a great talk with leadership coach Ulrik Nerløe who invited me to do a podcast with him. The subject was “Courageous leadership – leaders who lead with love and energy”. And well, most of the podcast ended up being about MOT …
We are focusing on the all the positives and doing what we do best! I am immensely proud of my team of “bulldogs” who do not give up even when everything looks unmanageable! We walk the talk and use MOT’s tools and philosophy to keep our courage and trust in the positive outview!
We wish you all courage and positive outview!
MOT Denmark