June is graduation time for school youth in Latvia. Despite the constraints of the pandemic, many of MOT coaches participated in festive graduation events, congratulating their students on graduating primary school and MOT.
They specifically prepared to hand out individual gifts – 3 years of carefully collected materials from MOT sessions along with a personal card. MOT coaches have an indescribable satisfaction with their accomplishments and feel happy for the chance to meet and wish their students the best of their lives for the last time.

June is also a month to get acquainted with the results of MOT survey and particularly with what young people wrote about how they liked MOT. Here are a few quotes:
“MOT has done its best to make us feel better and learn things that will never be taught at school. MOT will stay in my heart forever.”
“In MOT sessions I enjoyed especially how the class collective worked together. It hasn’t been anywhere else so.”
“I think I would never have talked to my classmates about important topics. I’d love MOT very much and I enjoyed it as classmates spent time with each other. I don’t have ideas about what you could do better, because everything is very good.”
But now it’s time for summer holiday and a great come back in August – 2 basic education in a raw as well as MOT Enthusiast gathering. Looking forward!