August for MOT Latvia has been the Month of the year!
All 3 main events of the year have taken place in August: 2 basic educations consecutive and a fantastic MOT enthusiast gathering on the 25th of August. We are very proud to announce 12 new MOT schools, 58 new MOT enthusiasts, and more than 10.000 youth in the program.

Preparing time for all events was challenging. Government restrictions on covid-19 infected the conditions for the use of venues, as well as for participants. Because of the conditions, unfortunately, we lost 4 potential MOT schools.
However, the fantastic news is that the largest bank in Latvia SWEDbank has shown a serious interest in supporting MOT Latvia. As of 1st step of our collaboration, Swedbank offered us for free of charge their premises of central administration building to host both MOT basic educations. It was a great experience for us as a team and for all new MOT enthusiasts. Pictures of the nice view please see in this post. We are very much looking forward to cooperation and an increase in support in the near future.

Concerning the MOT enthusiast gathering, it appeared to have taken place on the coldest and most rainy day of summer this year. But still, it was one of the best events in MOT Latvias history!
This time we have taken into account the recommendations from previous years and made the program succeeded perfectly – dynamic, inspiring, perfect in time, and with deep and MOTy content. We are pleased and happy!
In general, the mood is positive here and we look forward to resuming MOT sessions in person! Many schools have already planned well in advance. However, we cannot ignore the increasingly worrying news about the return of the Covid-19 Delta to our country. We keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best!