Thoughts for the new year from the MOT Foundation


December is always a month for good thoughts, good intentions, dreams, and actions.

It was so good to see the MOT country leaders at our Global meeting on the 14th of December!

We admired the stories about youth from the classes, we got inspired to witness how our life values mirroring in our youth’s actions for good.

The MOT spirit, passion, and sincere sharing were very much present and created a magical atmosphere during MOT Global meeting.

Thank you, dearest MOT country teams, we appreciate so much your work and dedication, and your passionate plans for the upcoming year!

MOT Foundation is also looking forward to the new outcomes in the coming year. We were so privileged to meet face to face in Trondheim in December.

We are starting our co-operation with 180DC at the beginning of the year to search for new opportunities in fundraising globally and on a national level.

We have planted some seeds for new countries and will follow up on how they grow.

The year 2022 will be very special with MOT’s 25 year anniversary. Among our biggest dreams is a reunion of the MOT family honoring the history, taking the strengths from the solid foundation that MOT has. Let’s hope that the global situation will be favorable so we can meet in person.

Passion and action are our keywords for the coming year.

Keep creating the magic in every step of what you do with MOT!

Be the guiding stars for the people around you!

Dream big and stay safe!