22. February was my last day as a MOT employee. I would not be honest if I say that it is not a strange feeling and that I easily become emotional about it. It has been like a 28 year long fairy tale, with so many great days and moments. Some really tough ones too lately, I must be honest with you, but most of all very good ones.

I feel so fortunate for having been a part of the MOT adventure for 28 years and being Atle’s MOT partner since he told me about his idea in February 1994. At that time, I couldn’t imagine how big this was going to become. MOT was nothing in February 1994 and nobody asked for what MOT offered. Atle had found the key to something that many young people needed. However, they didn’t know themselves that they needed it. With MOT we created a need. Today, MOT is one of the most important and purest brands for the youth in Norway, and on the way to become the same in countries on four continents.

To me, one of the most amazing parts of this journey was being allowed to be in the front seat for establishing MOT in new countries. I have so many great memories that I will keep deep in my heart forever from unforgettable visits to South Africa, Thailand, Denmark, Latvia, and Minnesota. I will never forget my dear «sister» and MOT colleague in South Africa, Trish’s words; MOT is a universal tool and can change lives anywhere in the world.

I am incredibly grateful to Atle for taking me on this journey. I have seen how one can create something great by lifting other people, giving them huge ownership, and letting them shine. I am incredibly grateful to everyone who have inspired and contributed to make MOT into what it has become today. MOT has made my life more valuable than I ever dreamed it would be. No money can compare with the richness I have felt throughout all these years. Being allowed to be part of creating something that means so much for so many, gives a feeling almost nothing can compare with.

I am so happy that MOT is so important to so many, and that so many youths love MOT. MOT wouldn’t exist without the youth taking MOT into their hearts. The success has been and still is the connection that is created between MOT’s values and the youth’s hearts, and that youth use MOT their way.

So, today I am no longer a MOT employee. Atle ended his role as MOT’s leader and entrepreneur one year ago, and the last year he has been writing the MOT book «The Power of Resilience».

However, whenever we get the opportunity and when we are wished for and a MOT country invites us, we will still contribute as Founding Father & Mother of MOT. We will forever regard MOT as our third child. Our love for our children will be there forever. As my mother once said to me; the love to your children is a lifelong love.

Dear friends, thank you for everything so far, but this is not a goodbye. I’m only saying:
So long, see you again!