As the end of the year draws near, we would like to reminisce on an incredible and successful 2022.
With the help of all our MOT Coaches and MOT Partners, we impacted a total number of 9931 youth in 2022, with 372 active MOT Coaches and 45 active MOT Sites implementing the MOT Programme. WOW, we are super proud!
A few of our highlights for the year were:
- Two MOT Coaches’ Basic Education completed with 53 MOT Coaches trained and 1 Refresher training
- Our Courage to Care Day Campaign was a huge success, which saw 9 of our schools and organisations participating. We had a total of 2 bags of school shoes and 5 bags of school uniforms donated which we dropped off at rural schools in need. Over 10 bags of children and adult clothing and toys were received which we dropped off to organisations in need.
- We hosted our first Young MOTivators’ Education to 23 youth for the first time in 3 years, since the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Received positive feedback from our research which shows that the MOT Programmes continue to make positive gains regarding how the youth perceive themselves and others, building positive attitudes, increasing resilience, and influencing better choices. Read our latest research here:
- MOT received an amazing opportunity to with work with MBA students from Henley Institute. The students assessed MOT’s performance in the areas of MOT programme delivery and Stakeholder management. This report will be shared in early 2023.
These are only but a few of the many highlights and achievements we had throughout the year.
We are so excited for all that 2023 has in store for us – positively impacting the lives of more young people and building new and amazing opportunities in the whole of South Africa and abroad!
On behalf of the MOT SA Team and Board Members, we would like to wish you and your families a blessed festive season. Take care and be safe.